Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo

Pedro Paramo is a story whose narrative is twisting and unpredictable, destabilized. Points of view shift, and the past and present are illustrated side by side.

I really enjoyed the ghosts' knowledge of the living world and vice versa. There's definitely elements of magical realism here, but not just in the psychic and living-dead elements. A lot of the language has a sort of fairy-tale style to it; simple, pretty, charmed. I personally found the dialogue of an old woman's ghost to be terribly delicate and sweet on p. 54:
"Drink it! It will do you good. It's orange-blossom tea. I know you're scared because you're trembling. This will ease your fright."
At the same time that this is presented in ways as a reality, it can also be viewed as the scattered, fragmented thoughts of a man grief-stricken at the loss of his mother.
The story also seems marked by a lot of negative space and silence, absence and disappearance. Other than that, I'm not really sure what I have to say about the novel other than that it was a pleasant challenge.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Final Mist

I really enjoyed reading Bombal's short story (novella?) The Final Mist. I felt like the characters were nicely developed, and it was a very successful ghost story for several reasons. First of all, it is not as if the epiphany of her encounter being with a ghost comes out of the blue. The grounds for the protagonist's marriage is based on a previous death, that of her cousin Daniel's first wife. The protagonist says that she feels as if she is merely a replacement for this woman, particularly during sex. So, right away, there is a very macabre element to the story's sensuality. In a way, the protagonist is haunted by the memory of the woman she is not.

Also, there is a lot of aquatic imagery. It is raining constantly. She goes swimming. Daniel always brings her a glass of water after their awkward intercourse. The house is constantly damp. Fog rolls in and out. Water generally symbolizes life, but fog is often associated with the supernatural, and dampness with decay. Overall, all the water-related imagery makes for a morose, almost gothic setting, creating the perfect atmosphere for a ghost story. At the same time, water symbolizes life in a sensual aspect as well, so this serves to complement the other genre the story fits. Lust and love become inextricably entwined with death for a woman who cannot stand her life.

It is particularly interesting that the boy-Andres- who also recognizes the woman's ghost lover drowns shortly after seeing the ghost. This part made me a little curious as to Chilean or South-American superstitions about the afterlife. I tried to find out if seeing ghosts is considered some sort of fatal omen, but quickly realized I have no idea how to research that sort of thing.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Invention of Morel

To be honest, I didn't finish it (yet).
Here I was leisurely skimming Bombal over again in complacent delight that we had such a short reading, when I checked the other blogs and saw....whoops.

From what I've read in it so far, however, I think it's lovely. I can see its ties to Borges, but the language is a little simpler, cleaner, easier. Of course it does not have the same aesthetic power as Borges' prose, but I personally find it less confusing, very clear. Since I couldn't get that far in the actual text yet, I cheated a little and found a plot synopsis. The idea of capturing people's souls via reproducing reality on a machine is very interesting to me, since it's the belief in a camera's ability to capture a human's energy is not uncommon among indigenous people.
The suspension fo reality, or "false" reality, or a "copy of" reality is very reminiscent of Borges.

Overall, I am not a massive fan of science fiction, but this is written in the simple tone of masters like Bradbury. I can't wait to finish this book, hopefully sometime in the next couple days. I'll do a better, more complete blog post as soon as I am done.